No Meeting in January… Homework Assignment Instead!

January is typically a slow, cold month weather-wise but is a fabulous month to prepare for your coming Spring full of Delightful Honey Bees!

In lieu of a meeting this month (read this as “NO MEETING IN JANUARY!”), I would like to give two “homework assignments”…

  1.  Renew or begin your North Carolina State Beekeepers Association (NCSBA) membership by visiting this appropriate page:  The cost is only $15 which you can pay there online.  We will collect our own Guild membership dues ($15 also) at the February & March meetings.
  2. Read this short (2 page) but great article from NC Master Beekeeper Randall Austin with handy suggestions for “bee stuff” to be done during January: All of it is useful, and if you like his writing style you can see more (and sign up for his monthly emails) from “Randall’s Archives”:

There – simple!  Next, we have a GREAT SPEAKER LINEUP FOR FEBRUARY & MARCH:  

FEBRUARY 13 (Please note date change to second Tuesday in Feb. instead of Wednesday because that is Valentine’s Day!):  Our local Brushy Mountain Bee Supply rep., Etienne Nadeau, will visit and speak on an equipment/spring-prep related topic, and can bring your bee equipment supply orders with him.  SAVE ON DELIVERY CHARGES!! Follow Randall’s advice and use January/early Feb. to look over your own equipment and make your wish list so that you can order prior to the spring rush!  To order from Etienne, call him at (252) 619-7308 or email

MARCH 14:  Our NCSBA President, Rick Coor, who also happens to be one of the state’s top queen producers and an NCDA approved supplier of packaged bees in NC, will be here to present “Installing and Troubleshooting Bee Packages.”  Rick will bring timely advice on how best to give your package of bees a good start, and what to look for in the crucial first weeks.

As always, please let me know if I can help provide or find answers to any questions or concerns!   Denise Deacon (252) 722-3118 or