Next Meeting THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11! Please note DATE CHANGE!

The KDH Library accidentally double-booked the meeting room, so we have been moved to Thursday, October 11, instead of Wednesday, October 10.

DATE:  Thursday, October 11, 2018
TIME:  Arrive to socialize at 6:30, begin at 7:00 p.m.
SUBJECT:  Fall Hive Management/Winter Prep… Six-year beekeeper Julie Moye will lead us in round table discussion, and also hopes to call upon others to learn the various methods used with success (or failure!).  Please come prepared to share any input/advice you might have.
PLACE:  KDH Library, 300 Mustian St.  If you arrive after the Library locks their front door at 7 pm, follow the sidewalk around the left to the back door.

Raffle items always welcome, or dollar donations for tickets!

Hope to see you there!  Questions?  Contact Denise Deacon at 252.722.3118