January Meeting – Building Hive Bodies


Our new year starts off with a “BANG” from a power tool!

When:   Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Time:  Arrive anytime after 6:30 p.m., we’ll being at 7:00 p.m.
Where:  Creative Cabinets, 904 W. Airstrip Road, KDH

Please join the Outer Banks BeeKeepers’ Guild, as we get together to…

* Learn how to make your own frame jig (those handy, time-saving devices used to construct frames).

* Put together hive bodies (supers) and frames.

* Learn about Denise’s new obsession – the “horizontal hive.”  Will have one in pieces and one already constructed to show what it’s all about.

* Make New Beekeeping Friends!

* Also at this meeting, Bobby Dupree will show us the swarm traps he & Bill Farrell built last year, and has kindly offered on a future Saturday for anyone that wants to get in on it, to go to his woodworking shop and build your own!  He will pick up the material prior, so it will just be the cost of wood and your own time & labor that day :).  (If you can’t attend this January meeting, I will send an email prior to that Saturday swarm-trap build so that you’ll have the details.)

* January is Dues-uary… Please bring $30 cash/check if you’d like to join the Guild!

New to Beekeeping?
Experienced beek but not familiar with the Guild?
Just want to know more to see if you’re up for keeping a bunch of stinging insects in close proximity?
Been to a Guild meeting once before but not since?
Just want to hang out with other beekeepers?

NO MATTER… All are Welcome!!!

OK – stay safe if we get this snow this weekend, so that we’ll see you next Wednesday!!  As always, please feel free to contact me if any questions, comments, or suggestions.

Denise Deacon

**** Many thanks to Julie Moye’s brother, Johnny, for the use of his cabinet shop for this January meeting!!!