Event Opportunities – Volunteers Needed!

One great thing about being a beekeeper is that (practically) EVERYONE loves what you do and loves to hear more about bees!  We have several opportunities to SHARE THE LOVE in the near future… Spring is arriving, humans are emerging bleary-eyed from their cozy winter nests, and the event planners are rockin’ out!  Check your calendar to see which of the events below you can volunteer as a rep for the Guild to go spread some honey bee love.  We have a tent, OBX Bee Guild banner, informational hive and handouts, as well as a kids’ activity all prepared and ready-to-go… just need some warm bodies with big hearts & smiles.  Please contact Denise Deacon at 252.722.3118 or dmdeacon@embarqmail.com to inform which event will include your participation.  Thanks!  (P.S. Those of you who are Certified beekeepers working toward Journeyman status, your participation accumulates service credits for such public events!)

April 14, Moyock Public Library Earth Day Event, 1pm to 3pm

April 22, Earth Day Celebration, OBX Brewing Station, 3pm – 6pm

April 28, Jarvisburg Elementary School Spring Fling, 10 am to 1 pm

May 11, KidsFest at Roanoke Island Festival Park, Manteo, 9:30 am to 12:30

May 19, Coastal Gardening Festival, 9:30 am to 2:30 pm

(Additionally, I usually do a couple of presentations at the area elementary schools during the month of May… if you would like to join me, please let me know that as well!)