Mtg. Reminder, Next Wed. January 9

Greetings everyone – Happy New Year!  Welcome to 2019, let’s hope for a fabulous year of keeping bees!

Our next meeting will be held next Wednesday, January 9, 2019, at the Kill Devil Hills Library meeting room.  Arrive at 6:30 pm to socialize prior, and the meeting begins at 7:00 pm.  If you arrive after 7:00 when the Library has locked their front door, follow the sidewalk around the left of the building to the back door. (Please remember, the Library requests no food or drinks!).

We will be introducing our new Officers for 2019 and discussing 2019 plans… then our speaker will be Past President Denise Deacon, with information regarding package bee suppliers, pricing, delivery dates.  If you have utilized a different supplier/method in the past that you had a good experience with, feel free to bring that information with you as well!

REMINDER:  January is dues month… Membership with the NCSBA is $15 (which you can accomplish separately online on the NCSBA website if you so choose), and OBX Bee Guild is $15, making the total annual dues $30.  You can bring check or cash to the meeting with you!  If you are new to the beekeeping experience (learning, deciding about it, etc.) and not yet ready to commit, please feel to attend meetings until such time as you are ready or not!

RAFFLE items are always welcome!  Does not have to be bee-related (regift holiday items!), or bring dollar “donation” for a ticket!

We hope to see you there!  Questions or concerns… contact President Dalton Hyde at (919) 260-3265.