Tag Archives: April

NO MEETING TN 4/12/23Hey everyone, 
I am very very sorry for no prior reminder email and the last-minute cancellation.

We ran into issues and had to cancel the meeting tonight last minute 😬 yikes / Very sorry again

Stay tuned for incoming newsletter emails covering next meeting and Nuc Pick up details

No April 2020 Meeting! ETC.

There is NO APRIL MEETING scheduled!

Due to the current issues presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, we will not be holding a meeting this month. I will put together/send an email replacement regarding Splits… the different kinds, the best time to execute, etc. by end of the week.

I hope everyone who received packages was able to successfully install them. If you are new or even a seasoned keeper with questions regarding your Hives, Packages, Nucs, Splits Etc. – feel free to reach out to a fellow keeper for answers/help. Any of the following members are willing to help out… 

Dalton Hyde (919)-260-3265
Denise Deacon (252)-722-3118
Mike Lambright (410)-215-8800

If you would be willing to assist with people’s questions/etc. – let me know!

A key benefit in the Google Doc – Member Directory that Julie Moye suggested creating would be access to current photos/contact info/hive locations so we can more easily interact/assist each other. Hopefully, we can get that going soon.

Still Need Packages? 
Sapony Creek’s 2nd Pickup Date is now April 26th! Dave Bradley reached out to let us know to place an order if you are in need of one.

Please Note – We do not currently have any Pickup Plan in place, as I’m not aware of anyone who has placed orders for that date. If we get enough orders, we may be able to orchestrate something. 

Swarm Reminder -Get out and check your hives for Swarm Cells! Two members & myself have had hives prepare to swarm and had to act fast to find the original Queen and split them up.

Keep an eye out for an additional Hive Registry Email with content/message from Julie Moye!

Stay Safe & Healthy!

-Dalton Hyde
2020 OBBG President