Tag Archives: Feed

Please Read Carefully…   


DONT FORGET about those hives you currently have!
If you haven’t already, get out and check those hives the next warm day to ensure they have the honey/nectar/stores to survive spring. 
IF NOT –  make some 1:1 Sugar Syrup & FEED those bees!

Renew your membership with the NC State Beekeepers Association yet?!
Neither did I, so I went over to https://www.ncbeekeepers.org/membership/join-or-renew-now and got it done.

The Outer Banks Beekeepers Guild will not be asking for membership fees in 2022. COVID restrictions on our local public buildings are still preventing monthly gatherings. Alternative sites are being sought. Please suggest any ideas you may have. 

NCSBA 2022 Conference
Others are going! If seeking a group, post on our FB page or reply to this email. 

In need of Bees this year?!
Apologies this wasn’t compiled and sent out sooner, but here’s who we checked in with…

Everyone’s dates were dependent on weather and all had pricing info and how to order on their sites:

Hands on Beekeepers – Only Nucs! Maybe late April or early May, all info is on the website. Deep and medium nucs, locally raised in SE Virginia. VHS F1 queens are $20 more in a package if you want, or you get a Carniolan/Italian open-mated queen otherwise. (awesome)
http://handsonbeekeepers.com, (757)-408-5201

Sapony Creek in Rocky Mount – Package pickup 3/22 ($135) and nucs ($193) in mid-April.
http://saponycreekapiaries.com, (252)-904-1446.

James Wierman at 8 Veterans Farms: April 24 pickup at Currituck Extension Office from 11 am – 1 pm.  $125 for 3 lb. packages and he will have nucs as they are ready in the spring $175 for 5-frames.

Bailey Bees in Hillsborough, NC:  Pickups on two weekends } 3/24-25 and also 3/31-4/1.  $135 with a marked queen.
http://baileybeesupply.com  (919)-241-4236

Birdneck Bees: Pickup is mid-April at Greenbrier Farms in Chesapeake.  Nucs only, $242, raised in SC.  May be ready around 4/15. (757)-718-3581

IF you are interested, PLEASE reply to this email or text Dalton with where you purchased from and I will add you to the list on my phone, if enough people purchase from one place, we’ll see if someone from that group is willing to pick up for others. If not, you’ll want to work out pick-up with the supplier!

If anyone is willing to pick up others orders from a supplier, please let me know by email or phone!

I hope everyone & their hives are doing well!

-Dalton Hyde 
OBBG President