Want a Nuc?

Want a Nuc (Nucleus Hive)? 

We received the following information from another nuc supplier, you can check out their website here:, http://ncvabeenucs.com/

“I, along with my business partner Sharon, have an overwintered bee nuc company. Our bees spend the winter months in South Carolina and then we disperse them along the East Coast per client requests. We are compliant with all state laws and our bees have the appropriate credentials. Please let me know if you have any interest in our bees. Thank You.  Ann Baker”

Nucs are 5 frame deeps. Price is $175.00, and pickup will be early/mid-April (no set date as yet) at Greenbrier Farms in Chesapeake (near the state line).  If you place an order with them and would offer to pick up for others, please let Denise Deacon know at 252.722.3118.